About me
Deziah'ed Root's was named after my son Ziah. It is a small family business founded by Chelseè. All products are naturally blended with herbs, flowers and handmade with love.
I began creating hairсаrе products in 2018 to find a quick solution to my dаughtеr'ѕ dandruff issues. After becoming successful, i then went on to creating formulas which not only helps maintain moisture, but softens the roots and supports hair growth, leaving you with desirable natural healthy hair!
I am a mother to children who have different hair textures, so sourcing the correct ingredients and creating a product that benefits all their hair types is one of my biggest achievements.
I work in small batches to ensure each product is carefully formulated, and of high quality. I have studied with Plush Folly, The School of Natural Skincare to ensure all cosmetic legislations are met. Products are Safety assessed and each have a cosmetic product report.
I want to support and encourage people who have natural hair to embrace it. Lets encourage our children to love their kinks and curls.